
"When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son. As they called them,
so they went from them; they sacrificed to the
baals and burned incense to carved images." Hosea 11:1-2

As I was reading this wonderful chapter in the book of Hosea, it just kind of jumped out at me and I saw myself in it. I realize that I may be stretching it a bit, as it is talking about Israel, but we are the adopted brothers and sisters of Israel, are we not? (Ephesians 1:5).

So, please allow me to "adopt" our scripture verses for today and make an analogy to my own past, personal situation.

As we delve into today's article, I ask that you read this book, especially chapter 11. In a sense, this is a sad book as it deals with a time when Israel was materially wealthy but spiritually poor.

It eloquently narrates the great sacrifices Hosea made, portrays a living picture of the goodness of God and His constant and persistent love, as well as the clear warning of judgment against Israel for their errant and sinful ways, and the sacrifices required in order to fulfill the divine calling.

The price he had to pay was huge, but let me make this personal: My God loved me even as a child. Yes, even before I was born He loved me.

I grew up living in sin and sometimes shame - living in the land of Egypt (sin).

My God kept calling me, even as a child, and I knew about Him and His love; I grew up hearing the Word of God. My father was a preacher. I remember listening to him preach , mostly in farms and in cottonfields and country churches where we went to pick cotton and work the fields.


But the world called me, and so I served the world with all its passing pleasures; then my Lord called me and I went FROM the world back into the fold of the living God. I had in a sense "sacrificed to the baals and burned the incense of sin" to cover up the ugly stench that sin creates.

But "Out of Egypt I called my son," and I heard His voice for I was a sheep of His pasture; I recognized His voice for His Word says, "I know my sheep and they know me and they recognize My voice." I heard and I answered.

And I am forever grateful for His love and mercy.

Thank you my Father for calling my name once again. Thank you for rescuing me from the clutches of sin and shame. Thank you for your Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by whom I came out of the bondage of Egypt and into your arms of love.

Thank you in His beautiful name.

Amen.. God bless you all and remember, I love you,

Daniel Leal.

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