
Watchman's Cry Program #165 - Part 2
Notes and Images for Part 2 - The New World Order Revealed!!

The images below accompany the information shared in Part 2 of this series.

Listen to Part 2



Image 1 - Freemason Pyramid Symbology. Note the illuminated Eye of Ra / Horus



Image 2 - Olympic Stadium with Freemason Pyramid Lighting


Image 3 - Closeup of Olympic Stadium Pyramid Lighting


Image 4 - Olympic Stadium Pyramid Lighting - Note the triangles in the seats as well as in the supports of the entire building.



Image 5 - Final draft and approval for the US Dollar's redesign which added the Great Seal in 1935. This design is signed by FDR with his desired changes. He wanted the pyramid symbol changed to the left side.


Image 6 - Freemason Pyramid found on the US Dollar with the words:

"Annuit Coeptis" (He has Favored Our Undertakings)
"Novus Ordo Seclorum" (A New Order of the Ages)


Image 7 - Graphic of the Phoenix in flames that was turned down by the Committe for the Great Seal in 1780's.




Images 8 - Various Wedjats of the Eye of Horus from Egyptian Antiquities


Image 9 - Wedjats of the Eye of Horus of both left and right eyes.

Left Eye means = the Moon

Right Eye means = the Sun



Images 10 and 11 - Olympic Stadium from Google Earth. The Eye of Horus can be seen when including the structure and the surrounding landscape. The Wedjat is highlighted in the second image.



Images 12 - Snapshot of Olympic Ceremony / Satanic Ritual. Warning/ Do not stare at the image too long!!


Images 12 - Creepy Baby from the Olympic Opening Ceremony / Satanic Ritual. Notice that it has a GASH on the side of its head!


These images reveal that the Illuminati New World Order has been born. So the next questions that I ask are several:

1. "Now What?

2. "What do have have planned?

3. "What Chaos are they expecting to happen?"


Please listen to our audio series as we discuss these things.

Listen to the Part 2 Here: Part 2



Table of Contents: Contents

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