
News from the Wall #11 - Part 2
"Inauguration Obama - Antichrist Rising"

This end time series is an examination of the arrival of darkness over the land.

The January 20th Inauguration Ceremony of Obama - What will it mean?

This message will explain that on that fateful day, America is going to experience an invasion of darkness from the spiritual realm of the underworld.

After this happens America will never be the same.

The invasion of darkness will consist of spirit entities who are going to turn America into a nation that will mimic Nazi Germany.

A change is coming folks! Just not the change that the people expected.

This message will also visit the questions that many Christians have about what to do in the coming days.

1. What should be the right attitude?

2. What is going to happen to the Second Amendment?

3. What should God's people be doing? Should we be concerned?

4. Will Obama's plans succeed?

We will visit these hard questions and much more in this audio message.

It is time for all of God's people to get ready for what's coming!

Please share this series with your friends and family.

God Bless,
Nathan Leal


Listen to Part 2 here:

News 11:Part 2


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