
Nathan Leal's - "News from the Wall - #23"
An Audio Report & Warning from the Wall.

"Jade Helm & the End Times"

Nathan Leal - May 17, 2015

(Program link to the audio is below.)

Jade Helm is a big story. But what is it? There are a lot of theories about it, but are they all true?

Based on my research, Jade Helm is more than a military exercise. It is going to play a role in end time prophecy.

When the End Time Beast rises, it will use the military to control Planet Earth. In those days the military will also use a worldwide spy network to gather data on everyone and use it to control, corral and punish its enemies.

...enter Jade Helm, a test run for the Beast!

This program contains important information that all of God's people need to hear. Please share it with your friends and your family.

In His Service,

Nathan Leal

Watchman's Cry


Listen to the mp3 audio message here:

(to listen, click on the link below. To save to your PC right click)

"Jade Helm & the End Times"



For your convenience, this message is also on




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